Thursday, December 25, 2008

Yet Another Poland ...?


For a long time there was a phrase, a verb, balconisation - and while I am unsure now what it exactly meant, since I was either too young or younger than that when the phrase was coined and largely used, I cannot but help thinking there is need of another phrase, if humanity need to learn from history rather than make the same mistakes over and over across the boundaries of artificial sort, around the globe.

The verb should be Polandisation.

I remember meeting a couple of fellow travelers who were from Poland, when on a trip through Moscow and Warsaw, long ago. They spoke Russian and German but no English, and I spoke very
little German, which made for a truly heroic - and often hilarious - attempt at being friendly across the limitations with communication. I remember a few things they said, and one of them was explaining why they spoke the two extra languages other than Polish. Their nation was usually swallowed by one neighbour or another, the two Big Brothers they had one on each side, they explained. I knew this sort of vaguely, but it was very clear when we landed at Warsaw and the snowstorm had messed up flights schedules and further connections needed to be sorted out. The officials at the airport spoke very little English and I had a lot of trouble getting attention much less help, since they naturally took care of those that spoke their three languages, which included everyone else - almost. Those were the days before, long before, glassnost and breakdown of iron curtain.

Today when the world faces undeclared wars in every corner of the globe - funny how we keep on with old phrases when they are incorrect in light of new information, how can globe have corners? - the lesson from history of Poland is again relevant in a spot far away and rather unrelated at a superficial view. India faces a gathering of vultures, perhaps only one or two but not all small, and needs to remember Poland.

For the longest time there was a misconception that Poland was ridiculous, they had no real military and their fight against an invasion in '39 was hilariously stupid and contemptible. Nothing could be further from truth. What is true however is that most nations were then unprepared to fight the sort of aggression that certain powers with agendas of a different sort had gotten themselves ready to unleash on the world, and Poland was only the first to resist and fall.

The world, whether Europe or India or any other part, had seen aggression often enough, and usually the agenda was profit from aggression, either of the sort that loots and runs back home or the sort that stays put and exploits on and on. Either way it was a matter of time before the aggressors settled down sated and the business of the world went on as usual and most ordinary populations only watched out for their own safety by laying low, not fighting back, and paying extortion to a different or yet another one once again.

This aggression however was different and few understood it well, and its aim was a complete destruction of the world, civilisation and evolution and all the achievements of humanity until then in every field, all the factors that were not base or bestial and all that uplifted humanity above crawling beasts - no surprise few understood this well, for how can one be normal and comprehend such an agenda? Most of us assume normality or a semblance of it in the worst of the enemy facing us, and it was difficult to understand that this time was different. The enemy faced by humanity was not human, although humans to the tune of eighty million had been leashed as captive servers and they were not aware of this, so they assumed they were being normal and it was all very confusing, very deceptive.

Poland faced and fought back bravely while other nations declared war in tandem but could not come to aid soon enough, and in fact while Poland fought it was an embarrassment for the aggressors - they had most modern well equipped military and here was a nation fighting back on and on rather than falling in a few minutes as other nations had done, with really outdated equipment and no preparations at all.
And subsequently Poland faced far worse a destiny when the war had been fought and won, when decisions were made - allies did not have Poland at the table to decide as a participant but rather gave it away in subjugation to the strong and demanding ally who had fought at different times on either side of the war, even though Poland had fought through the war - when the nation was occupied there were regiments that fought from Britain, every bit as valiantly as De Gaulle's branch of Allied forces - and then it took some decades of work to free Poland and indeed all of the block behind iron curtain.

Today it is a war of another sort, and the powers that seek to occupy and convert a culture or two are of another nature, the aggression wears another face and the onslaught is being carried out using other tactics. But basic lessons that can be learnt from Poland are very relevant. India is one of the points where the urgency of this lesson cannot be overemphasized. Which is rather frustrating - India does not learn such lessons easily, complacency being a very favourite national vice, and giving away everything an aggressor wants an old habit employed with sloth that presents itself as peace. Peace is a very real gift from the Divine and is not for the lazy cowards that would allow everyone to walk over and take the neighbours' child to throw to the wolves in the interest of saving one's own skin for now.

The world and India specifically needs to be aware, to learn, and to know the difference of the most essential sort - the humans that are the face of aggressor are not the aggressor, even though they think they are, they are merely the agents shackled in service without perhaps their own knowledge of what they are doing. Nevertheless the aggression is very real and has perhaps the same aggressor behind the scene, and by that what is meant is not the particular nation that was the face of the aggressor seventy years ago, but the real one behind. The powers it has chosen this time as a front or a face are of a different nature - perhaps not even nations, but another sort or two, wearing different uniforms and chanting different slogans than of national sort - but their aggression and intentions are no different, the agenda is destruction of all growth and hope of humanity, all progress and well being and peace and evolution, any survival of civilisation at all.

It is definitely not the time to point fingers at who marched around that might have been the excuse for a war, who broke which building or destroyed another ancient monument whether house of worship or a tremendous statue, which might be blamed for the subsequent horrors heaped on innocent populations. If loss of a building or an empty monument or a huge statue globally understood as object of worship justifies or excuses hundreds and thousands of people being killed, the implications of such a statement would be far more universal and indeed the stupid excuses for humans much less leaders who spout such crap deserve to be explained what implications of their statements are before they are run out with a few articles of footwear out of any position they could do damage to humanity from.

Stupidity in face of aggression is dangerous, not to mention hilarious for the enemy whose work is made easy by such idiots, those that think branding the Polish army as the reason for WWII would solve all problems and save their estates from damage. While they feed neighbours' children to wolves they do not stop to reflect that they in fact are getting the wolf used to being fed at their doorstep and their own near and dear will face it one day, when the wolves will be stronger and more aggressive due to all the easy feeding and used to it, with no loyalty required. Wolves are nobody's pet dogs.

These poor excuses for humanity accidentally in positions of power that they could inflict much damage from by mouthing dangerous inanities
should be made to read a few pertinent things and then made to chant over and over the very relevant lines of Donne.