Friday, December 5, 2014

Discriminating Attacker

This began with an unpleasant surprise of someone pontificating about a piece I wrote in support of Preity Zinta who took action against being molested by a man with power and wealth. This woman objected to my calling her a brave woman of Rajput heritage, and demanded I remove that because it was discriminating against all other people.

This is seemingly a young woman of uncertain age but guaranteed inability to think over what she says before or after she says it, much less as she thinks. Lack of inability of thinking does not stop her from pontificating and rapping her betters with a big stick, since she respects only biological differences but not man made ones as per her declaration - she is probably correct about the former, but hypocrite at best about latter or outright lie deliberately maintained on lack of fear of someone seeing through or calling her on it.

After all it is highly unlikely she will marry a biologically desirable male or leave her husband for him, in spite of the said husband or a socially preferred suitor being of high position in society with wealth and position of power. She might be biologically inclined to, but she will then give excuse such as blaming parents or even her nation for her choice, and say that they won't allow her to choose someone she desires.

She is a fraud, racist, ignoramus and stupid who substitutes fashion for thought.

Here is the conversation which I cut short in spite of her daring me to block her, fully understanding she will continue to attack with another page.

 Gogona Saikia

    You have written some brilliant things. I admire that. but seriously, maybe do away with the "Rajput brave woman" part. Maybe remove the "Rajput" part only. You are severely categorising women based on their caste/whatever it is, when it comes to bravery.

    Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

    If it were a Baangaalie I would have said someone from lands that worship Durgaa and Kaalie.

    Don't assume negatives. Saying something positive about one is not equivalent of saying negatives about all others.

    If PZ disliked her identity as Rajput she would not mention it, and if one is to say calling her Rajput is discrimination - why call her a woman in the first place, or you, or any woman? Why not force all world to adopt a dress and language that will never allow anyone to know what gender one is, and make it necessary to apply to legal channels to find out who one is attracted to? Perhaps that will come too, but meanwhile, other categorisations are minor.

    Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

    Come to think of it such removal of all identities would involve covering every face so no one knows who is from Asia, Europe or Africa - and more, no degrees or diplomas to anyone, since the mentally challenged or academically unwilling or underachievers might take it as negative - no awards, since others might take it as negative - no positions since those that do not get it are discriminated against - no children allowed to be brought up by parents, since there are orphans in the world - no marriages, since some are unable to find a match - no one should be given a salary, everyone equally beggars before world authorities - how far does removal of identity go? Those living might seem privileged to those dying, so ....? Funerals for everyone?

    Silly isn't it when one goes logical. No one questions the lack of logic underlying the assumptions of your post, not to mention the lack of whatever it needs, perhaps respect and reflection, that went into offering advice without thought.

    Unless you are my parents' generation, or older. Then free advice is not disrespectful.

    Goodbye, and please don't reply. Think if possible.

    Gogona Saikia
    Gogona Saikia

    LOL. irst of all, sorry for not remembering the context of what I sent this msg about. I cam guess a general abstract of what you had said though, that made me send this msg. nd I am pretty sure I am not older to you. Maybe sameage, maybe younger in fact. Also, your replies are too long for me to want to debate pointwise. o just off the top of my head, only one observation: I was juts taking a stand against man made categories that you are born with, which are quite unfair, wouldn't you say? The ones you mentioned, some of them are BIOLOGICAL, some of them are based on INDIVIDUAL CHOICES. Not that unfair or changeable, are they? lso, aa last advice from someone younger. Do try not to take so much of offence because of a random msg from a random stranger on the internet. If I were to start getting so worked up about what people I dont even know say to me, life would become very hard indeed. ake care!

    Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

    You would force everyone to accept your categories of which discrimination is OK?

    Biological is OK for you? So men beating women to death is OK? Rape, molestation, less or no pay? Why do you want to keep the biological discrimination that makes half the world free slaves without hope, and worse?

    About the so called Mab N

    Correction - manmade - categories. That includes discrimination along lines of wealth, possessions, titles, degrees, positions, nationalities, languages, almost everything. Rajput might be more DNA at that.

    Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

    You were wrong, however idealistic you think you are. Young and eager to prove you treat everyone equally. Do you? Is a stinking drunken goon just as good a candidate as a quiet man of position and education for a bridegroom for you? Even if the former is old and the latter approved socially re age for you?

    Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

    No, discrimination is not a bad word or act, you MUST discriminate between good food and garbage, especially when feeding a child.

    As for PZ, she does inherit it the proud tradition of Rajputs.

    So does India.

    Re last your advice, you are more and more offensive. Bye don't write back.

    Gogona Saikia
    Gogona Saikia

    "So men beating women to death is OK? Rape, molestation, less or no pay". O god this is not about discrimination! What are you even talking about. Rape, murder are crimes! "Is a stinking drunken goon just as good a candidate as a quiet man of position and education for a bridegroom for you?" As I said, these are based on choices, not something one is born with. Once again, I don't rem the context in which I msgd you, I don't rem who "PZ" here is. "You would force everyone to accept your categories of which discrimination is OK?" No I won't. I can't. How can I force anyone to do anything acc to me?Would you say I FORCED you to not call anyone Rajput? "That includes discrimination along lines of wealth, possessions, titles, degrees, positions, nationalities, languages, almost everything. Rajput might be more DNA at that." Personally, I find any kind of man-made categorisation unfair. I am not saying someone inheriting wealth and someone inheriting nothing is okay, but some things are just too deep to be argued on when I am talking to someone for the first time! You want me to argue about everything I actually think now? And whether you agree or not, the caste system is creating more bad than good. It might have been wonderful if the whole system was efficient, but it is not! More instances of misuse hence the whole unfairness. And do stop instructing me reply or not. I will reply, or won't, acc to what I feel like. Welcome to go ahead and block if you want.

Jyotsna Gokhale
    Jyotsna Gokhale

I get it, you respect biology and will attack old women preferably of not blond race, and only shut up if you think you are confronting a hefty male of a race likely to smash you to smithereens - that is what your discrimination against man made but respecting biological differences come to. So you will accept anything from someone biologically desirable, however low he might be in man made differences of wealth, position, power, social respect? No you will make up some other convenient theory to suit your discrimination on man made grounds.

You are not merely racist and misogynist but are justifying it by arguing man made vs biological differences, and as long as it is not you at receiving end, will go to the length of attacking anyone you have no hope ever of approaching level of even in logic of meaning of your thinking.

What you will not stop doing is attacking me. And you dare me to block you because you will continue to attack with another page. Until what, you manage to murder me via internet? Won't be the first time.

When you comprehend the horror of your disgusting behaviour you will wish to die of shame, and deserve it. One day soon you will understand how truly you are not only misogynist and racist but goon of nazi sort. But probably you already hate yourself for being the wrong gender.

How did your parents name you so correctly Go Go Na!