Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Four elements, known to us all 
Taken for granted, as much as parents
Fire, Earth, Air, Water
And perhaps another one or two or three
Space, Firmament, Stars, all that is above -
Taken for granted, just as much
As the four elements, known to us all.

Earth one needs - when existence is physical,
Mother Earth supporting physical beings with
Patience, care, love, enveloping all
Even those that take flight, live in air high above, do need
Her sustenance, occasionally, when
Exhausted, in need of respite
We fall asleep in her arms, in her lap,
Even when in a palatial dwelling, in silks and on marble and gold
Earth the silent mother carries it all,
Whispers gentle songs of hers, bringing us the much needed
Much like a
Mother that carries the unborn and born
Her own body carrying the weight, supporting, sustaining life.

Much of the physical being though
As long as life is dwelling in body, is of
Water, and needs water
Unborn lives enveloped by the love and care that is
Ocean that sustains life,
Living need the love and care and be part of the chains of
Life that won't be without
Love, care, the very element of
Life that is
Needed as long as
Life lasts.

Most of Life, though, at any rate those of us that
Abide on land,
Unlike those that dwell in waters of
Oceans, rivers, lakes et al of
Life, Love
Need more than just
Love, care, life,

All very well until a point,
Water, Life, Care, Love,
All very needed
But then appears the need of
Breath and Air, Mind Thought,
Somewhere the mouth, throat, living apparatus
Must distinguish the two
Else struggle to survive

Distinguish, and discriminatingly
Separate breath from water,
Keep one's breath pure
Not drown in

Life waits
Oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, wells,
One may drown - or be devoured by one of those that
Dwell there, play, would swallow one whole, or
Shred one to bits
Those of us that live on land must
Know where to step,
Draw the boundary, so as
Not to drown and yet sustain

Breath Air, yet not forget
One needs
Water, Love, Care, for

One might be forgiven for concluding it is all there is
Breathing is above all, and
Indeed one couldn't live without
Breath, Air,
Thought, Mind,
For even the dwellers of
Oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, wells,
Water, life, love, care,
Do breathe,

Air permeates water, and those that dwell not on land
Know how to breathe when living in water,
Breath air they do, they know how, they can

So one might conclude, this is all
Earth, Water, Air, and no more

Build castles in air, fly high above
Forget Earth far below, looked at with disdain
Use Water, not revere it,
Air is all one is living in, and
Who can see air?
So one's own being is all there is, and
Air one breathes,
Thoughts that seem one's own creation, rather than of
Mind and the world thereof
And even if one knows
Air is not merely of one's breath,
Thought is as Air, passing free
Around and into beings
All this is not,
And yet, many assert, this is all there is,
Anything else perceived is mere
Illusion, they assert, loss of
Mind of those that look

Yes, this is all there is, they assert,
Never looking above,
Else claiming it is all illusion,
Created to fool, dreamers and cowered ones
Look above and lose mind, so don't - they go,
One's highest is oneself, they assert

There is truth in that too, but not as limited as they think
They know not yet the truth of more than
Life and Mind and Physical, of

Fire, whether of one's own hearth, of
Unseen Unknown hiding in one
Or of seen
Firmament above, of stars and galaxies and universes -
As real as any other element,
Used, but often denied
Seen as creation or discovery of
No longer a mystery, tamed now - and no such thing as
Soul, Divine, Above -
Denied and finished.

And yet,
Look above,
Let Mind free
Thought roam independent, not
Yoked to Life, or all the more to
Ego, the shell of one's being
And one could know
Fire, and more -

The Space that envelops it all, where
Life and Mind and Physical
Fire and
Explosions that make stars of
What would otherwise be planets
Dead Terra of
Belts of millions orbiting
Before Jupiter,
After Neptune,
And more -

Comets arrive
Once in a while
Beings that seem full of
Earth looks up in wonder, falls to knees in worship,

And watches as one strikes
A tremendous god of yore,
Both hurt in the collision, as
Watchers from Earth look
To see who survives a collision,
Who is the winner of a
Celestial battle.

"Faiths" collide pretty much this way, too
"your god is untrue, for it was hurt, .." asserts each side,
And those that asserted
Air around is all there is, rest is mere illusion
Tell both how wrong they are,
Celestial bodies are merely more bits of
Rocks on fire, that is all -

Space, meanwhile, holds it all

Light above,
Firmament filled with
Stars and galaxies and universes
Carry on as ever.